The video game industry is the economic sector which is recognize by the evolution expansion and complex of video games It embrace dozens of job rules and its component parts employ thousands of people worldwide who have different roles and also different categories where each person employed can be experts in certain specific area The top companies recognize by their value and customer loyalty are also known by their brand for example Ubisoft Nintendo Electronic Arts Apple Activision blizzard 2k Microsoft and lot more based on how the technology has increased and competitors are increasing day to day through what is coming new every single year Thus Nintendo is one of the most recognized brand worldwide based on how improved and advanced they are in their products It is a multinational brand originated in Tokyo which is comes to be the largest video game company In the market Nintendo is the top creative and top seller industry capitalization because of their game franchises Nintendo is recognized by it s customer by their controllers remote characters made by them but the question is over ten years Nintendo has been always used and popular How do they do to keep up bringing brand new ways to play but maintaining their same characters