Essay Examples on Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

Knowledge and confidence successful Together

Knowledge and confidence successful together and useless apart Knowledge being defined as understanding of or information about a subject that you get by experience or study either known by one person or by people generally where as confidence is the quality of being certain of your abilities or having trust in people plans or the future Without a doubt confidence and knowledge are very important traits one can acquire They work hand in hand to create a collective foundation for accomplishments As a Persian proverb says doubt is the key to knowledge In relation to this proverb this leads us to our knowledge question which is To what extent can increased knowledge increase doubt It will be discussed how confidence comes from knowing little and how when the knowledge increases so does the doubt in two areas of knowledge which are history and religion History is the story of the past and no one can go in those times to ascertain the truth In the modern era as technology is advancing it makes it easier for individuals to access information that has occurred in the past through these findings we can acquire whether the event actually took place or not and what actually the consisted of in this way we can attain more knowledge than what we actually had Claiming that people know little and they are confident and do not have doubt when we look at the great Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma was an eminent freedom activist and an influential political leader who played a dominant role in India's struggle for independence 

2 pages | 524 words