Over nine billion chickens are slaughtered each year for their meat and 305 million hens are used for their eggs source 4 Many of them are caged or confined in small spaces their entire life They are raised in harsh conditions only to be used for their eggs or meat Many of them don't see sunlight their entire life The laws and regulations do almost nothing to help these chickens The anti cruelty laws for chicken farming should be amended to be made more humane for the chickens because of the harsh methods used to obtain their by products At the beginning farming chickens started in the backyard of family farms They lived in chicken coups and were used to supply eggs to the family or town It was a natural process where the chickens had healthy amounts of food and spent much time in large spaces outdoors A chicken grown specially for its meat called a broiler was developed in the 1920s There was a large demand for chickens after this which caused a steep increase in chicken farming methods Feed mills hatcheries farms and processors were all different parts of the industry