Essay Examples on Southern University at New Orleans

Evaluation of conventional arbitrary facebow and modified Arbitrary

Evaluation of conventional arbitrary facebow and modified arbitrary face bow for orientation on completely edentulous and dentulous patients By Dr Ravi Teja Maddula Guided by Dr Padma Ariga Dr Vinay Siva Swamy Abstract Aim The aim of the study was to evaluate the time taken to the orientation of the conventional arbitrary facebow and modified arbitrary facebow on completely edentulous patients and dentulous patients Material and methods Ten clinicians with no experience in the orientation of the facebow were selected to orient the conventional arbitrary UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT and modified arbitrary facebow UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT on patients The values obtained were further compared with other Descriptive statistical analysis of variance scheffe post hoc analysis for group comparison and level of significance P was calculated using statistical package for the social science version 16 IBM New York USA software program Results Intragroup comparison of mean time taken values showed highly significant difference p 0 000 comparison between conventional arbitrary UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT and modified arbitrary facebow

1 pages | 342 words

As we look at technology and how fast it is changing Daily

As we look at technology and how fast it is changing daily we ask ourselves on how will it benefit online class usage We look at how schools are involving online classes through communication and a new way of learning through discussion groups and its interactions with instructors and peers In the article Read only participants a case for student communication in online classes explains on how communication through online discussion groups on how many postings feedback and participation they are providing on a daily weekly basis With online classes rising we have different demographics age groups individuals living in different states and students who are not familiar with technology in which we have a wide range of diversity and learning styles

1 pages | 243 words