After reading the paper Software Engineering Programs Are Not Computer Science Programs it becomes apparent that the distinction between Software Engineering and Computer Science is not as clear cut to outside observers Society often blends the two subjects together nothing that both programs are concerned only with computer science and programming language development One way to understand the differences is to examine the words primarily Engineer and Scientist when dealing with these two subjects As the paper notes Engineers are by nature taught to apply both science and mathematics when designing products Scientists on the other hand are solely taught the science and the methods needed to advance it Overall Software Engineers are put in an odd scenario where many assume that the sole responsibility is to write and continue to learn well structured code much like that of a computer scientist These assumptions get rid of the notion and actual meaning that comes with being an actual Engineer Instead many believe that just by simply knowing computer science you can technically be a Software Engineer However this isn t the case at all Software Engineering aims to focus on the fundamentals of computers to solve problems Here instead of focusing on the narrow and specific pieces of programming that arise from Computer Science Software Engineers focus instead on broad fundamental concepts that allow them to use the tools in their own arsenal to finish products