Essay Examples on St. Martin's University

Gender and Family Conscious Career Counseling

Gender and Family Conscious Career Counseling Gender can have many effects on career counseling ranging from the influence it has on a person s career choices to the institutional discrimination that tends to results in differences for benefits salary and prestige between men and women in the workplace Along with gender family life plays a major role on strengths and limitations to the opportunity and priority an individual might have when it comes to career choices As counselors we need to realize and reflect on these gender based attitudes behaviors and beliefs while also becoming more conscious of family life ideas in order to be conscious of how we might influence client choices This application assignment will review the case examples of Maria and Richard from the text and consider the similarities and differences in each of their daily lives the role of gender bias expectation and discrimination along with the role of family life and how this relates to each case By reflecting on how as a counselor one could engage in a holistic approach with Maria and Richard in career counseling this assignment will also consider how to honor each individuals needs while being conscious of gender and family Capuzzi Stauffer 2012 Maria In case example 

2 pages | 414 words