Information Technology - ITCategory:
3453IV ANALYSIS. In this section, the data collected during the study is described. The results are structured into 7 groups according to different parts of API descriptions that were analyzed. Each group provides valuable insights about separate aspects of the APIs and serves as the basis for identifying common characteristics and drawing conclusions.
A General API Information. The first baseline of information gathered here directly by browsing to the API page of the directory is the general API information. It contains some details provided directly by the API directory such as the name of the API, its description, the category that it is assigned to the URI of the API and the latest update of the description. Table 1 provides the recorded numbers for these features. TABLE 1 GENERAL API INFORMATION. Description Maximum Minimum Average Categories under API 19 1 5. A number of operations 79 1 26. A number of mashups 2578 0 90. Each API taken into account had various functional categorizations under it. For example, Google Analytics Management had few functional categorizations namely Account Summaries, Accounts AdWords, Links, Custom Data, Sources Filters, Goals etc.