Noah Fouts Grammer Period 1 January 17 2018 The National Mall The National Mall has a rich and very interesting complex history with many monuments to important events fun attractions and museums It also very old dating back to when the capital was moved to Washington D C Aaron Steckelberg et al It is also quite interesting how the various monuments and attractions are ranked for popularity Based on an article by Steckelberg et al and also The National Mall by the national Parks service The National Mall is owned and managed by the National Park service The Mall refers to the actual green space that forms a sort of roadway The National Mall also includes the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials The Reserve also includes a few other government buildings such as the white house and capitol building Steckelberg Kennicott Berkowitz Lu 2016 It contains lots of history however the early days of it were muddled by disagreements and confusion L Enfant designed the original mall as a grand avenue to connect the capitol to the white house in 1791 It would be 400 ft in breadth and 1 mile long bordered by gardens Unfortunately by the 19th century his ideas were much forgotten The mall was even used for military purposes and in 1872 the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad built a track across part of the mall and given an area to build a depot near it According to The National Mall