Essay Examples on Texas A&M University

Fertility is defined as the ability of man and woman to Reproduce

INTRODUCTION Fertility is defined as the ability of man and woman to reproduce while infertility denotes lack of fertility 1 Besides other etiological factors nutritional deficiency of trace elements like Selenium Zinc and Vitamin 2 plays an important role in infertility The importance of zinc is evident from the fact that the content of zinc in the semen is 87 times of that in the blood and it is second to iron 3 Zinc in the body plays an important role in normal testicular development spermatogenesis and sperm motility 4 and has been reported to be an essential cofactor for 200 metallo enzymes in a variety of animal species 5 MATERIAL AND METHOD The present descriptive analytical study was carried out in the Department of Reproductive Physiology Health and Public Health Laboratories Division of National Institute of Health Islamabad from 2006 to 2010 After taking complete medical history and consent form of the patients 1128 subjects were analyzed for complete semen analysis by properly standardized procedures as mentioned in WHO laboratory manual 6 The supernatant of the semen samples were processed for evaluation of seminal zinc by using colour 5 Br PAPS kit obtained from CENTRONIC GmbH Germany 7 This kit quantitatively determines Zinc in plasma and cell lysate A control group of 97 semen samples were used from proven fathers as control The patients n 1128 were divided into different groups on the basis of semen concentration motility and morphology

2 pages | 452 words