Essay Examples on Theology

The Big Bang theory, Darwin's theory and Theologist Approach to human existence

The existence of God has long been argued. Christians and people of other religions have a strong belief in the existence of God and tend to hold their ground when it comes to this but a scientist, on the other hand, believes in a much more realistic theory. Where Christians believe in the existence of God and label Him the creator of the universe scientist feel that the existence of God is false and have introduced a few much more logical explanations, the most popular being. The Big Bang theory. Furthermore, the human existence, in general, is often in the debate between a scientist and religious goers seeing as how religious views say though God created man and scientific views believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution. The scientist also believe that humans are unable to directly comprehend anything with infinite powers and abilities thus ruling out any form of human interaction with a God. Though theologist tries to make claims that God endows special people with unnatural powers to know divine matters. Take these three factors into account and only one conclusion can be reached there is no God. The Big Bang Theory is a scientific attempt to explain the existence of the universe. Now, most churchgoers believe that God created the world and the universe we are in, but if looked at through a more scientific point of view the creation of the universe makes much more sense.

2 pages | 478 words