Essay Examples on Tyne Metropolitan College

Coca Cola Vs Pepsi Two brands that seem to have a strong Rivalry

Coca Cola Vs Pepsi Two brands that seem to have a strong rivalry are Coca Cola and Pepsi According to Kim Bhasin in her article COKE VS PEPSI The Amazing Story Behind The Cola Wars their feud really picked up in 1975 when Pepsi launched their Pepsi Challenge 2011 The Pepsi Challenge for those who do not know was a blind taste test that showed over 50 who blindly tasted between Pepsi and Coke chose Pepsi The reactions from the Pepsi Challenge caused so much chaos and panic in the Coca Cola board that they decided to make a new recipe to produce their drink The backlash Coca Cola received from changing their recipe was insane they received letters and phone calls with consumers saying how much they did not like the new recipe that was used and the consumers felt like Coca Cola changed something that did not need to be changed There were so many comments receive that Coca Cola had to return to their original recipe It was not necessarily because the consumers did not like the new recipe it seemed to be more of an emotional attachment their consumers had to the brand that had been known for 100 years Something else that Pepsi did to create value to their product was they started to use African Americans in their advertisements

2 pages | 441 words