Essay Examples on University of Hertfordshire

Their postpartum mood disorders to their healthcare Providers

Summary This study explored the obstacles and enablers that women perceive in divulging their postpartum mood disorders to their healthcare providers The 211 study participants were Caucasian middle class women with partners from urban areas in the southeastern United States Women were surveyed using a combination of tools in an online survey The study concludes that while there is universal screening of PPMD many women do experience clinically significant levels of PMDD but did not divulge their symptoms to a care provider Efforts to promote PPMD disclosure and help seeking should not only focus on universal screening but should also target mothers social support networks Research Questions and Design of the Study The research question examined what the perceived barriers and facilitators were to women s disclosure of postpartum mood disorder symptoms to healthcare professionals The design was community based participatory research examining the effects on woman within three years postpartum Sample and Setting The population included English speaking caucasian women who had delivered a baby after January 1 2012 who were 18 years and older middle income had partners and lived in the area of a large city in the southeastern United States Research Methods Multiple strategies were used to recruit participants specifically recruits were based off of convenience and snowball sampling 

2 pages | 418 words