Essay Examples on University of Portsmouth

The progression of Melanoma

The progression of melanoma has not only been attributed to certain genetic alterations but also to some epigenetic modifications such as chromatin modification methylation and remodeling These oncogenic mutations disrupt the normal operation of cellular pathways which leads to regulate several transcription factors that cause apoptosis cell cycle deregulation and cell proliferation Several studies have demonstrated that multiple cellular pathways are associated with melanomagenesis and the mechanism of these pathways will be briefly discussed as follows Sarkar et al 2015 1 1 MAPK pathway The Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase MAPK pathway consists of RAS RAF MEK and ERK proteins and more than 80 of all cutaneous melanomas are determined by the activation of MAPK pathway which is regulated by cytokines heteromeric G protein coupled receptors and tyrosine kinases receptors Mozuraitiene et al 2015 The dysregulation of MAPK pathway is frequently occurred due to the mutations in BRAF genes leading to unchecked cell division invasion migration evasion of cellular senescence angiogenesis and apoptosis Inamdar Madhunapantula Robertson 2010 RAF itself is activated by the small G protein in RAS and form the complex with RAS 

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