Oil pollution In a broad way pollution can be defined as the presentation by man straightforwardly or in a roundabout way of substances or vitality into the earth bringing about malicious impacts of such a nature as to imperil human wellbeing hurt living assets and biological communities and disable or meddle with pleasantries or other real employments of the earth Osuji and Onojake 2007 One noteworthy poison that has excited open and research intrigue is raw petroleum Osuji and Ezebuiro 2006 Contamination by unrefined petroleum typically happens as spillage that is uncontrolled arrival of raw petroleum into the earth because of hardware disappointment operational incidents or purposeful harm to offices UNDP 2010 Throughout the years the economy and fate of Nigeria have been inseparably connected to the abuse and fare of unrefined petroleum and this improvement has prompted gigantic contamination of the oil creating zones For instance in the vicinity of 1970 and 1982 an aggregate of 1 581 oil slicks including almost two million barrels of oil was accounted for in Nigeria