Essay Examples on Weapons

Atomic Bomb, Weapons of Mass Destruction. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It was just a regular day in 1945 August 6 when probably the most well-known bomb ever was dropped. Little Boy was the first atomic bomb dropped ever, it was dropped on Hiroshima a city in Japan. When the bomb was dropped over 80 000 people instantly died from things like air pressure, supersonic winds fireball and more after the bombing even more people died from things like radiation, third-degree burns, fires and more. In total the death count was over 350 000 people. The explosion wiped out 90% of the city. The Little boy also destroyed 5 square miles of the city. The bomb was dropped on top of a hospital at 8:15 in the morning and it was dropped around 2 000 feet above the ground to cause maximum damage. The blast was equivalent to 12 000 to 15 000 kilotons of TNT. A few days before the bomb was dropped America sent leaflets to Japan talking about the atomic bomb how they have a super powerful bomb and that everyone should evacuate because they do not want to hurt the innocent people, all of this sound really nice and all but some people say that perhaps they didn't actually give the leaflets and they are just saying this to take away the guilt, because then why did so many people die and why weren't the Japanese government or whatever super protective of the sky.

2 pages | 444 words

The threat posed during and after the usage of Chemical Weapons.

Honorable Chair and fellow delegates of all member states of the United Nations. All throughout the world, the global nation has begun to face a rapid and extensive modification of technology, than in other periods of history causing substantial benefits along with devastating side effects. Chemical weapons its modern notion being emerged from the 19th century has brought inevitable happenings throughout the world, not to mention various fatalities, ecological problems along with the disposal problems of unexploded ordnances. Although the global community is aware of the threat posed during and after the usage of chemical weapons some nations are still hesitant in eliminating or ceasing to use them. This passive attitude forced the advent of international organizations such as OPCW for seeking effective implementation of the reasonable limitations and elimination for the goals, aimed to resolve the ongoing threat and the influence to humanity. Chrystia Freeland the Canadian Minister of Foreign affairs proclaimed. The use of chemical weapons by any actor is a breach of international law, continued impunity is unacceptable and the perpetrators must be held to account. Canada once a producer and a developer of chemical weapons has realized the severity and devoted a great amount of effort to safely destroying them and currently has no chemical weapons or production facilities.

2 pages | 426 words
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