India is an agriculture based country having almost about 58 of the cultivated area as rainfed This area constitutes about 58 of the cultivated area and 40 of the country's food production Even after using the irrigation potential of the country to a great extent almost half of the cultivated area will still be under rainfed farming The rained farming has much of the area under coarse cereals 85 pulses 83 oilseeds 70 rice 42 and nearly 65 of cotton area Therefore increasing the productivity of major rainfed crops to meet national food demand becomes necessary The performance of rainfed agriculture is critical to achieve and sustain higher growth in agriculture Rainfed agriculture assumes importance from the consideration of growth equity and sustainability The north western tract of the India located in the foothills of Shiwalik belt of Himalayas locally known as Kandi area constitutes around 5 million ha area in Punjab is also rainfed this region is considered as one of the eight most degraded and fragile agro ecosystems of the country Dogra 2000 Despite receiving a mean annual rainfall of 750 to 1150 mm crop yields are rather low in this area