Reentry is when an offender is finished with their sentence and are being released back into the community This can be very difficult for most offenders because they will have complications of finding a place to call home they will be unemployed and have a hard time finding a job and they may not have any close relationships with family members Many times the offender will go back to committing crimes which will lead to recidivism Recidivism is the relapse which usually leads to being arrested again and can lead to another sentence In the news article I found they wrote about a story of a homeless person who would commit a petty crime every winter so they would get arrested and have three hot meals and a bed to sleep on This is an example of recidivism and reentry because when this person is released and reentering the community they are unable to find a home and end up committing crimes and ending back in jail prison There are many programs to help reduce recidivism and reentry that inmates can attend The same article talked about how many members of the community that the offender is being released into are upset because they feel the offender takes away their jobs The community just wanted the offender to go back to prison where they belong but really having them in prison is more expensive