Essay Examples on York St John University

Background Of The Study Wardhaugh 1993

1 1 Background Of The Study Wardhaugh 1993 253 confirms that the actual rules of address in a society are as complex as society itself A term of address is a word phrase name or title or some combination of these used in addressing someone in writing or in speech Also called an address term or a form of address A term of address may be friendly unfriendly neutral respectful disrespectful or comradely As social of human people have their own behavior toward language Every language shows the social characters of the speaker Furthermore it shows the relation between them In communications addressing someone is a very important social intercourse People can find many forms of addressing term used In the formal situation people usually address someone else s by their titles like Mr Mrs Miss etc besides in relax situation someone often calls a friend with his or her nick names such as Jane for Jeanne Abby for Abigail Joe for Joshua or Cathy for Catherine Addressing term often say well conscious or not even though in written language though always show and be a part of the speech Usually for title Mr used before a surname or full name to address or refer to a man without a higher or honorific or professional title can use at some place profession activity or at the office example Mr President then for Mrs used before a surname or full name to address or refer to a married woman or a woman who has been married without a higher or honorific or professional title Next is Miss a title used before the surname or full name of any woman regardless of her marital status a neutral alternative to Mrs or Miss For example Ms Sarah William 1

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