From the Fortune 500 company I decided to write about Wal Mart Wal Mart is one of the largest retail and grocery stores in America Walmart com is a launched website that provides customers in store services allowing customers to make numerous of purchases online such as groceries clothing electronics and so forth to be delivered in their home or picked up in the customers preferred store location Although Walmart has many other competitive stores such as Amazon and Target it is best to develop a strategic vision that charts the company's long term direction In addition setting objective for measuring company's performance and tracking its progress will allow us to better understand the direction Walmart is headed towards Lastly crafting a strategy will enable Walmart to advance and continue to be the leading retail firm in the world Walmart's vision statement is to be the best retailer in the hearts and minds of consumers and employees states Sam Walton founder of Walmart According to Edward Ferguson Arthur of Walmart's Vision Mission Generic Intensive Strategies WVMGIS Walmart primary focuses in attaining a top position within the retail business Although Walmart has already fulfilled being the best retailer across the country WVMGIS 2017 the company's vision statement is also directed to what and whom truly matters to the business which is for instance the employees as well as the consumers