Business Research Methodology Professor Westcliff University 21st January 2018 Abstract During 1990's in New York seven regional transportation agencies were combined to develop a system called electronic toll collection ETC also known as E Z pass In this paper I have discussed about the problem definition process Additionally a complete report of different targets of the task forced and how similar or different these might be across other agencies Further according to the commuters preferences for the services they have define problem effectively 1 The problem definition works as a tool which open a problem up and present it in a way that can be examined from a numerous different ways which also helps to define the wider context of issues involved in it Problem definition means the process to identify or define the problem in such a way that market researcher can relate with the problems they face while decision making which might make good use of your time Chapman 1989 Here in the given case of E Z pass the problems have been presented in the form of questions that define the given information and how the given information can be implemented or acquired