Essay Example on Agencies were combined to develop a system called electronic toll collection ETC









Business Research Methodology Professor Westcliff University 21st January 2018 Abstract During 1990's in New York seven regional transportation agencies were combined to develop a system called electronic toll collection ETC also known as E Z pass In this paper I have discussed about the problem definition process Additionally a complete report of different targets of the task forced and how similar or different these might be across other agencies Further according to the commuters preferences for the services they have define problem effectively 1 The problem definition works as a tool which open a problem up and present it in a way that can be examined from a numerous different ways which also helps to define the wider context of issues involved in it Problem definition means the process to identify or define the problem in such a way that market researcher can relate with the problems they face while decision making which might make good use of your time Chapman 1989 Here in the given case of E Z pass the problems have been presented in the form of questions that define the given information and how the given information can be implemented or acquired 

Overall we can say that problem definition converts the problem which we face in business into a research problem Without identifying the main problem you cannot move on with your research questions Some of the steps of problem definition process are Determine the decision maker s objectives Know about the problem properly Identify the exact problem s rather than the indicators Define the unit of analysis Prepare research questions and objectives So talking about this case here the main problem is to identify the ideal pattern of service quality to all the commuters within different agencies and also how they might be similar or different from other agencies In this case we can see the list of six questions that was identified by task force where we saw the problems As they have understood and identified the problem we can say that the problem is to know about the commuter s first choice for the services for that they have specified well defined research questions Therefore looking at this in my view the problem has been defined adequately 2 Exploratory research is basically a research into a hypothetical or theoretical idea Exploratory research focuses more on the discovery of ideas and insights It is mainly used by the company for defining issues to find potential areas of growth alternative courses of action and so on SMstudy 2016 For this project I would like to recommend an exploratory research design because exploratory research would make it easy to identify the consumer's choices for different attributes that are ultimately showed in the six search questions

An exploratory research can help to know more about the consumer's preferences Similarly we can clearly see in the given case that task force are only interested to know more about commuter s preferences more than other things to know how the service can be configured ideally so for that exploratory research design would be the best for this project 3 One of the first steps in the research process is to develop a good research question because if you have prepared all the necessary question than it will guide you and make it easy to research about the project The research question should be clear feasible and focused on the issue and conditions that could be improved which is worth the investigation by the researcher Cabraal 2013 Accordingly for this project in my view following questions should be tested like how many accounts are necessary and what statements will be received How and where does one pay for E Z pass Is the tag transferable to other vehicles or not The reason why these questions should be tested is because many people who want to use E Z pass wishes to know if the E Z pass can be purchased or ordered Moreover E Z pass researches should test if the tag is transferable or not to other vehicles because these days many people who live in one house have two cars for example husband and wife both have cars and if the tags are not transferable than they should have two tags for each car which means they have to create two accounts for each car This test can show that each car and person should have their own account and tags because it couldn t be transferred to other vehicles even if you are from the same family So all the transportation agencies of New York and New Jersey might have all the data of their consumers which will help them to make sure that each car have its own tag 4 Dummy table is a tool which let management know exactly what kind of results will come by research Dummy tables are hypothesis and the result presented in table are also hypothesis In this case using a dummy table researchers can know what might the results can be from the research they are going to do References SMstudy 2016 January 11 Exploratory Research Design Retrieved from https www smstudy com article exploratory research design Cabraal A 2013 April 4 The Importance of the Research Question and how to discover yours Chapman R G 1989 Problem Definition in Marketing Research Studies Journal of Consumer Marketing 6 2 51 59 doi https doi org 10 1108 EUM0000000002547

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