It needs lot more than only to take an apple on daily basis to keep to stay healthy yet in reality it is uplifting news Well healthy and scrumptious nourishments will not only shield you from different diseases along with putting immune on track To guarantee immune behave smartly you should balance your plate with beautiful plant based foods along with 8 to 10 glasses daily water consumption At that point for an additional influenza battling punch add these supplement pressed nourishments to your winter dining table Citrus fruits tomatoes bell peppers contain composed of high amount of Vitamin C Avocado Dull verdant greens butternut squash are fully enriched with vitamins E Combination of these and many other vegetables with sufficient protein diets will gear up your immune says Smithson It won t astound anybody to discover that vitamin rich sustenances are the key factors to keeping up a solid immunity Tomatoes Tomatoes are likewise an incredible sustenance to eat when you're debilitated because it is filled with high amount of vitamin C One medium size tomato composed over 16 Mgs of vitamin C which surely fueled up your immune In a German report distributed by Medizinische Monatsschrift fur Pharmazeuten vit C was appeared to be a fundamental piece of the quality of the body s phagocytes and T lymphocyte cells two noteworthy compositions of the immune Oats And Barley These two items are enriched with beta glucan a type of fiber that is antimicrobial and cell beefing up capacities are vigorous than echinacea a Norwegian research concluded It additionally bring down cholesterol normally