3037Research design. It is a descriptive study Researcher will conduct the study in two phases:
1) Pilot study. First, the study will be conducted on 50 participants to measure the reliability and validity of the research questions.
2) Main research study. After the pilot study research will be conducted on 200 adults and results will be interrupted.
Problem statement. Shame and guilt are the outcomes of negative events in life that occurred due to social connectedness.
Objective. To find the negative effect of social connectedness in our life events that made individuals suffer shame and guilt. To explore the interrelationship of social connectedness life events appraisal.l Shame and Guilt among adults. To find the negative effect of social connectedness life events appraisal shame and guilt among males and females.
Operational definition. Social connectedness. Social connectedness is the interaction of the individual. On the scale, higher the score higher is the social connectedness. Life event appraisal. The distressed or unhappy events occurred in life. Shame A painful humiliating feeling or an unfortunate and regrettable situation. Higher the score on the scale higher is the process of shame. Guilt A feeling of culpability and blameworthiness. Higher the score on the scale higher is the process of guilt. Hypothesis. Following will be the hypothesis of the research H0 There is no significant interrelationship among social connectedness, life event, appraisal shame and guilt among adults. H1 There is a negative significant interrelationship among social connectedness, life event appraisal shame, and guilt among adults. 5 Instrument Questionnaire will be the instrument of my study. Scales. The following scales will be used in my study 1 Social connectedness scale, Revised 2 Appraisal of life events, scale 3 Shame, and guilt-proneness scale. Social connectedness scale Revised Richard M Lee and Steven B Robbins are the authors of this scale and it was created in 1995. It is a 6 point Likert-scale. It is used to measure the level of connectedness among individuals. Higher the score, the higher the connectedness. Its internal consistency is α 92. Lee 1995 Appraisal of life events scale Monroe and Kelley created this scale in 1995. This scale is designed to provide a reliable and valid index of the three primary appraisal dimensions described in Lazarus and Folkman's transactional model of stress, namely threat, challenge, and loss. It is an adjective checklist that can be used to assess appraisals of retrospectively recalled stressful events as well as ongoing stressful encounters.