If you grew up in India the word Jugaad is something that we have lived it. An inventive solution to a problem which is of very limited resources is signified by this word. Jugaad is not a wrong mean, but it is a unique way of doing a specific type of work in an easy way. This book adds not only a flexible but also an economical approach to innovations. The writers Navi Simone, Ahuja, and Jaideep Prabhu have given higher emphasis to innovation, which is an essential key to success in the 21st century. Mansukh Prajapatis meeting with Simone's initiates the story who developed a refrigerator at a cost of RS 2500 made of clay and runs without electricity. Access to cold water and the ability of storing fruits and vegetables for up to three days in rural India have all been because of Prajapati's innovation. No engineering degree was required for Prajapati to achieve a goal to fulfill the dreams of the villagers. In fact, he didn't even complete his schooling. That's innovation at its finest. I have seen many such Jugaad with my own eyes like in rural areas people use cow dung on the floor and walls so that houses don't get too warm. The last monsoon there was one more innovative idea which was trended that was cover for scooters i.e the person sitting on scooter doesn't get wet while rains. Hundreds of examples can be taken from the book, those are drawn from countries like India, China, Brazil, Kenya and lots of other places in the world.
All of them work on six principles. 1 Adversity lets you seek opportunities. 2 Optimize the most with the least you have. 3 Thinking and acting with flexibility should be considered. 4 Keep it simple. 5 Include the margin. 6 Follow your heart Jugaad is not only for the people who can't afford the stuffs but it helps the person to complete the work in an efficient manner. Multinationals are also the ones who follow these ideologies Facebook, PepsiCo, Alphabet, Renault, Nissan, Philips are some of the all named MNC's in the book. And yes the Nano story is there too along with examples from Siemens, Suzlon, Yes Bank to show that frugal innovation may be the way forward for everyone. Nothing is impossible is the quote which we can extract from this book. Companies hire RND departments for the management of innovation. This tactic has three characteristics, big budgets, structured business methods and control of knowledge. Rather than follow the jugaad philosophy of more with less Western companies seems to prefer to do more with more. The structured approach to RND is inflexible. While Jugaad allows developers to create new products faster better and cheaper. In today's world entrepreneur faces multiple challenges which increase the difficulty level to do the business.
Therefore, thinking differently is very important. In today's world Jugaad shows us various difficulties which businesses face like scarcity of resources, cultural diversity pace of product development etc. To overcome these difficulties the author gave us 6 principles to follow which will help us to overcome this difficulty. 1 Get the opportunity in adversity. Those who create businesses in developing countries must deal with adversity including the lack of infrastructure crippling bureaucracy and regulations, uncertain property rights fragile local policy and the poor people who cannot afford to buy their products. But innovative Jugaad sees these challenges as opportunities. Your heart knows what your mind doesn't. 2 Doing more with less. Gustavo Grobocopatel is an Argentine farmer born of generations of subsistence farmers. He wanted to extend the activities of the family but the arable land is rare in Argentina. Farm work is rare Not having the financial resources to develop Grobocopatel leased land instead of buying it. It contracts for the work and rental of agricultural equipment In 2010, his company Los Grobo became a producer of the second grain of Latin America. The attitude correct jugaad can help you accomplish a lot with very little money. 3 Think and act flexibly After China India has more diabetic estimated at 62 million. than any other nation. To help patients with diabetes Dr. V Mohan runs a mobile clinic of telemedicine to serve villages far in India.
Like other innovators jugaad Mohan is a flexible thinker who understood how to put his ideas into practice. He explains I wondered what happens if I can find a service that allows doctors to consult remote patients without any group having to move. After that Mohan established remote diagnostics mechanisms he could not afford to pay technicians for the follow up of the patients. He persuaded to work for free. At his instigation agency space for India. The government has provided a connection free satellite for its telemedicine service. 4 Keep It Simple. About 26 million children born every year in India. Among young people, the 1.2 million do not survive beyond their first 28 days. Appropriate incubators can reduce mortality infant but Western incubators are too expensive for most Indian hospitals and health care workers. Indian rural do not have the training or skills to maintain these units. Indian pediatrician Dr. Sathya Jeganathan designed an incubator wooden heated only by a 100-watt bulb. His incubator is inexpensive and requires little maintenance. A single unit of detained reduced by half the infant mortality at his hospital.
5 Include the margin. Companies rarely develop and market products and services to the citizens on the margins of society including the poor. Therefore enormous potential consumer markets again go untapped. Jugaad Smart innovators often move in these markets and a big score. For example, Dr. Rana Kapoor created Yes bank to serve the Indian 600 million without access to the Bank. In business since 2004, the Bank WINS 2 above costs ready It is much better than the average Bank. We serve the marginalized sectors of our society as an essential component of our business model included said Khalid. I don't see any contradiction between doing good for my company and do well for my shareholders. 6 Follow Your Heart. Jugaad entrepreneurs rarely use focus groups to decide what products will present the components to include They tend to rely on their intuition to develop their products. Steve Jobs thought that way. The visionary Apple's CEO has been the lighthouse for these popular products and services like the iPhone, iTunes, iPod, and iPad. The work relied upon his own judgment on the products to develop and has not turned to its customers or investors to Apple for approval.
Instead, jobs have believed in customer-driven innovation which relies on intuition instead of customer-centric innovation. This 6 principle leads us to innovation in a simple way. Jugaad thrives on the scarcity a rapidly changing business diverse people and difficult situations. This book has inspired me deeply, gave me a different perspective to innovation. It showed that money can't buy ideas or innovation, it comes from different visions to innovate entrepreneur doesn't have to think out of the box but needs to create a whole new box to succeed. Learnings that we get from the book give opportunities to your company employees, who already demonstrate a mindset of jugaad. Don't worry of interference for patents for your developments of jugaad. Instead, monetize your inventions quickly. Internet collaboration tools allow you to join forces with the creators and innovators of jugaad.
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Noplag.com. The Jugaad Innovation: Think frugal, Be flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth Book Review (2020, January 01) Retrieved from https://noplag.com/free-essays/the-jugaad-innovation-think-frugal-be-flexible-generate-breakthrough-growth-book-review
Noplag.com.(2025.) The Jugaad Innovation: Think frugal, Be flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth Book Review [Online]. Availible at: https://noplag.com/free-essays/the-jugaad-innovation-think-frugal-be-flexible-generate-breakthrough-growth-book-review [Accessed: 21 Jan. 2025]
"The Jugaad Innovation: Think frugal, Be flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth Book Review" Noplag, 21 Jan 2025, https://noplag.com/free-essays/the-jugaad-innovation-think-frugal-be-flexible-generate-breakthrough-growth-book-review
"The Jugaad Innovation: Think frugal, Be flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth Book Review". Noplag, Jan 01, 2020. Accessed: January 21, 2025. https://noplag.com/free-essays/the-jugaad-innovation-think-frugal-be-flexible-generate-breakthrough-growth-book-review
"The Jugaad Innovation: Think frugal, Be flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth Book Review" Noplag, 21 Jan 2025, https://noplag.com/free-essays/the-jugaad-innovation-think-frugal-be-flexible-generate-breakthrough-growth-book-review
"The Jugaad Innovation: Think frugal, Be flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth Book Review" Noplag, 01-Jan-2020. [Online]. Availible: https://noplag.com/free-essays/the-jugaad-innovation-think-frugal-be-flexible-generate-breakthrough-growth-book-review . [Accessed: 21-Jan-2025]
Noplag. (2020). The Jugaad Innovation: Think frugal, Be flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth Book Review01-Jan-2020. . [Online]. Availible at: https://noplag.com/free-essays/the-jugaad-innovation-think-frugal-be-flexible-generate-breakthrough-growth-book-review [Accessed: 21-Jan-2025]
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Noplag. The Jugaad Innovation: Think frugal, Be flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth Book Review [Internet]. January 2020. [Accessed January 21, 2025.]; Availible from: https://noplag.com/free-essays/the-jugaad-innovation-think-frugal-be-flexible-generate-breakthrough-growth-book-review