12561The queen his mother Lives almost by his looks and for myself. My virtue or my plague be it either. She’s so conjunctive to my life and soul 4 7 11 14. He not only hegemonizes Gertrude in this regard but he also hegemonizes countrymen. He plans to hegemonize countrymen by applying his majesty and skill or diplomatic know-how as an ISA to control the masses. But we will ship him hence and this vile deed. We must with all our majesty and skill Both countenance and excuse 4 1 30. He declares Hamlet in madness hath. Polonius slain 4 1 35 Having applied ISA upon Gertrude effectively. Claudius plans to murder Hamlet at England 4 1 39 41. Very successfully he also hegemonizes furious Laertes saying to him that he will prove to him as clearly as daylight that he is innocent of his father’s death and is saddened by it.
To quote Claudius. That I am guiltless of your father’s death. And am most sensibly in grief for it. It shall as a level to your judgment pierce. As day does to your eye 4 5 48 51 6 0 Claudius Conscience. It would be inappropriate however to suggest that Claudius does not suffer from the pangs of his conscience. He realizes Pray can I not Though inclination be as sharp as will. My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent 3 3 38 40. Further, he soliloquizes. What if this cursèd hand Were thicker than itself with brother’s blood Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens. To wash it white as snow 3 3 43 45. Like Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, he cannot remove his guilt feeling Macbeth’s inner voice asks. Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood. Clean from my hand 2 2 61 2. Also, Lady Macbeth cries. Here s the smell of the blood still All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand Oh Oh Oh 5 1 33 34 7 0.
Claudius and Conspiracy Synonymous. Nevertheless, Claudius does not stop to devise conspiracy against Hamlet. Not metaphorically but in the literal sense. Claudius and conspiracy become synonymous In the name of the friendly fencing match by Hamlet and Laertes he wants the latter to kill the former. During the match, there is a scuffle and both young men are cut with the poisoned sword. Gertrude drinks the wine that has been intended for Hamlet and dies almost immediately. At this point, Laertes confesses that he and Claudius have plotted to murder him and he uses the poisoned sword to pierce Claudius. Thus the conspirator pays his penalty by being slain for his transgressions like regicide fratricide incest and usurpation and the apparatuses what he manipulates to camouflage reality and to interpellate countrymen as we find in the last scene of the concluding act 8 0.
Hamlet’s Ideological Notions. It is interesting that Claudius is trying to hegemonize Prince Hamlet with ISA, but the Prince’s notion about Ophelia is ideological. For his own obsession and perception, he cannot love her and harshly tells her Get thee to a nunnery. Why wouldn't you be a breeder of sinners 3 1 119. Hamlet moreover is ideological by Religion when he gets the opportunity to kill Claudius at pray because he believes. And now a is a praying. And now I ll do t and so a goes to heaven 3 3 74. He is also ideological when generalizing frailty thy name is women 1 2 246. to observes his mother s haste marriage with his uncle Claudius.
Is Hamlet denying his mother’s will power to choose her husband The answer is affirmative though she has been in the grip of Claudius ISA. We also observe that Hamlet manages to return to Denmark from the ship bound for England and arranges the capital punishment for Guildenstern and Rosencrantz by the English monarch, thus proving he is not insane rather capable of confronting the challenges and conspiracies against him 9 0.