Why Do Law Firms Need Personas to Improve Their Online Marketing It goes without saying that high quality content is essential for law firm websites but did you know that your content also needs to be aimed toward a specific audience Often attorneys feel that a broad approach is best anticipating more returns from casting a wider net Many fear that by composing specialized content they will not attract as much web traffic But traffic for the sake of traffic is useless in digital legal marketing Law firms should be writing content with the goal of connecting with their prospective clients You may discover that content is less successful when you try to appeal to everybody Creating Client Personas is an incredibly useful tool in making sure your content reaches the appropriate audiences The Benefits of Creating Client Personas for Law Firms Client Personas are designed to be an imaginary representation of an ideal client who could benefit from your services The more detail you include in your client personas the more conclusive detail you are able to provide for them in your content If you can compose content that specifically addressed your potential clients questions and concerns it enables them to begin building a personal connection with your firm Your content will have more impact if it is aimed to a specific type of person Client Personas aid law firms in narrowing down their audience Consider what questions a specific demographic might ask what the best way to distribute information to them is Creating Personas makes certain you can understand who you are speaking to through your content