Culinary Arts From 1935 to 1936 the middle family pay was 1 160 A yearly wage of 1 000 or more put a family in the center salary go The center salary family did not have an overflow of wage but rather had a genuinely agreeable way of life Prior to the beginning of the Despondency in the fall of 1929 the expression way of life had come to mean not simply satisfactory nourishment lodging and attire but rather anything families were unwilling to do without After the Wretchedness in any event for the principal half of the 1930s way of life again alluded to the essentials of sustenance safe house and attire since the way to accomplish more than the fundamentals had declined These fundamental necessities consumed no less than seventy five percent of a family spending plan Extravagances had a little impact in the life of generally families Individuals of center salaries clung to the possibility that specific material products and ways of life that had turned out to be critical to them would again in the end be feasible An upper white collar class family s pay started at about 2 500 In the mid 1930s just 12 percent of families were in this section In 1929 preceding the crash 29 percent of American families were in the princely range To outline the decay near 1929 and 1933 the livelihoods of specialists and legal advisors dropped 40 percent Albeit seriously tried the upper working class did their best to keep up a refined way of life Shaken by their companions who had lost all most lived with the dread of being next In any case the immense dominant part worked to keep up appearances T H Watkins reports in his book