Right off the bat before we start do you know what hyperinflation is Do you even know what swelling is How about we keep it straightforward So expansion is a maintained increment in the total value level While hyperinflation is high expansion Presently how about we jump profound into the theme Inflation is a financial idea that can be characterized two diverse routes both of which mean a similar thing Initially swelling can gauge the rate at which costs ascent of merchandise and enterprises Keep in mind hearing stories from a grandparent about having the capacity to purchase a bit of delightful roti canai for just RM0 10 at the mamak shop back when they were more youthful That same roti canai most likely expenses over RM1 now That is on account of as a general financial administer costs tend to ascend after some time The second way you can characterize expansion is the rate at which cash loses its esteem Looking at the situation objectively costs going up and the estimation of one ringgit is going down is extremely a similar thing Swelling is the reason you require more cash today than you required five years prior to purchase something Hyperinflation a financial condition frequently found in underdeveloped nations or developing economies is when swelling is to a great degree high and expanding at a quick pace