The UN currently has 15 peacekeeping operations on four different continents four of those being in the Middle East and eight being in Africa The annual budget for these missions is about 5 billion Due to the increased targeting of civilians modern peacekeeping has altered its techniques The mandate is challenging due to constraints on personnel so that even large peacekeeping missions distribute relatively little peacekeepers in relation to the area facing conflict and the size and extent of the conflict MONUSCO a current mission has over 17 000 troops operating in a country filled with over 82 million people and spread over 2 3 kilometers These factors bring the ratio of troops to people for MONUSCO to 1 to 4 800 While the civilians are suffering in the conflict the peacekeepers themselves suffer as well They experience poor infrastructure and limited social security benefits and face backlash from the international communities who may not welcome and support the peacekeepers Due to the complexity of local conflicts national political processes are often able to derail the peace process These disruptions can arise from land disputes and other political and resource based factors The Russian Federation is a permanent member of the