A Race for Equality Freedom That's a strong word that no one should ever take advantage or for granted because at a certain time period the Harlem Renaissance African Americans were hoping and dreaming that one day they would just get equal treatment amongst all people Expressing one s feelings at the time was very much necessary which many blacks jumped on the bandwagon of this was the blossoming of African American culture that finally needed to be seen They eventually established a voice during this time Whites were unnecessarily harsh and cruel they couldn t keep civil contact with African Americans simply because of how they looked It is shocking to think of a human being being talked to and treated a certain way because of physical features you can t control Mckay has raised his voice in many of his poems to raise awareness and show he is not afraid to speak his mind It s great to see Mckay s motivation because unfortunately bad things stick with you most likely throughout your childhood all because of the way you were brought up your kids are raised and grown to see certain thing that shape your mentality so for these large population of whites to put this logic into uprising future generations is horrible and appalling Blacks felt disheartened at the way they were being treated and felt as if they didn t belong Mckay was part of this jurassic change in history that will not be forgotten Claude Mckay s Enslaved and