I will be analyzing a hypothetical case of an individual suffering from an anxiety disorder using the Cognitive behavioral therapy CBT I will start by introducing the client Craig define what interventions I would use and clarify how to build a therapeutic relationship with Craig I will also evaluate CBT as well as present any therapeutic sensitivity in view of what might go wrong Furthermore I will outline ethical problems in the appliance of theory to practice I will also include critical contrast made between CBT and other approaches I will then finish with a conclusion Craig wants to seek CBT as he finds it difficult to keep a job due to his anxiety as responsibility escalates his stress and predictable failure in work leading to a loss of the job see appendix a for full description Craig found a new part time job and isn t currently on any medication Craig has difficulty talking about his anxiety and feel stuck He socializes on Internet sites Craig fears he will be exposed as incompetent He sees himself as weak has the belief that he is not as smart as others and is afraid that if he loses this job he won t get another Craig feels anxious when he meets new people He has spoken about a recent incident in which he felt anxious when meeting his new colleagues see appendix B for vicious cycle one
Morality and Meaning The Road The purpose of morality is to teach you not to suffer and die but to enjoy yourself and live that's a quote by Ayn Ran I believe we all have moral standards Morality describes the principles that govern our behavior Without these principles in place societies cannot survive for long In today's world morality is frequently thought of as belonging to a particular religious point of view but by definition we see that this is not the case Everyone has a moral mind perhaps compas of some kind I feel that I have a strong sense of morality and the past few novels i have read emphasized the value of morality through God carelessness money and revenge Son an into to The Road not sure what this means In Cormac McCarthy schilling post apocalyptic book the value of morality is portrayed through God The ideas of morality are in the words of the Boy