Evaluation of transdermal patch of carvedilol Thickness of patches 85 Patch thickness was measured using Micrometer Screw Gauge at three different places and the mean value was calculated Weight variation 85 Weight variation was studied by taking individual weight of ten randomly selected patches for each formulation prepared in different batches The weights were taken in electronic digital balance Drug content 85 Accurately weighed patches were individually dissolved in minimum quantity of methanol and volume was made up to 100 ml with pH 7 4 phosphate buffer saline solution 10 ml was transferred to volumetric flask and volume was made up to 100 ml The absorbance was recorded at 243 nm The blank solution was prepared in the similar way except that the patches without drug were used Percentage Moisture content 86 The prepared films were weighed individually and to be kept in a desiccators containing fused calcium chloride at room temperature for 24 hrs After 24hrs the films are to be reweighed and determine the percentage moisture content from the below mentioned formula Percentage Moisture uptake 86