The Big One is one American epic movie presented by Michael Moore The movie is based on various conflicts of interest The movie through its flow of ideas and the basis that contributed to its coming in place is one other thing that intrigues the audience It is one movie that captures emotions in the desire of the audience to get the glimpse of ideas Here is a common man whose is hurt The people close to him his brother as well as fathers have been subject to murder under the custody of King Edward I This heartless leader has nothing good against the protagonist in the movie flow The movie is flawless on a number of issues that are associated with bad governance and if that is anything to go by the author of the movie is so selective that he chooses on a character that at one point in history is recorded to have hurled all forms of tribulations to all those that stood to oppose him It is unfortunate how a leader expected to unite the people under his custody is so biased and leads on the basis of racism and only identifies with people and regions in his kingdom that pay allegiance to him The king identifies with only those people that revered him as well as those who shared a common ancestry with him The movie is a replica of nepotism at its highest It is a typical example of a rotten society that is about to split on the basis of tribal lines