269This can be profoundly therapeutic in itself besides being grist to the therapeutic mill Types of Socratic Questions 1 Clarification how does this relate to our discussion 2 Probe assumption How can you verify or disprove your assumption 3 Probe reasons and evidence How do you think this causes to happen 4 Viewpoints and Perspectives What would be another way to look at this 5 Implications and Consequences What are the consequences of your assumption 6 Questions about the Questions What does this mean Systematic Desensitisation What is Systematic Desensitisation It is a form of Joseph Wolpe The objective of the therapy is to reduce or eliminate fear or anxiety in which the patient through counterconditioning The patient Is trained in deep muscle relaxation The patient has a variety of anxiety provoking situations or a specific phobia These problems are placed from the strongest to the weakest order for example the patient is anxious about which one is causing anxiety fear the least Four stages of Systematic Desensitisation 1 Construction of the anxiety hierarchy 2 Relaxation Training 3 Counterconditioning the pairing of relaxation with the feared stimulus and exposure therapy 4 Assessment of whether the patient can successfully interact with the phobic object