Essay Examples on Sales

Contracts for the International Sales of Good

Introduction. Imperial Brands is an FTSE 100 company that is built around having a comprehensive tobacco portfolio, that includes a range of cigarettes fine cut and smokeless tobacco papers and cigars. Imperial brands are sold in 160 markets worldwide including the USA. Imperial is involved in many global transactions and in doing so they must understand the many universal laws with which Imperial should comply with, in particular, those relating to contract and agency law, Within the EU there are many measures relating to consumer law but there is still no law shared by all member states in relation to the sale of goods. Key elements of contract and agency law when forming international contracts. A contract is either a written or spoken agreement between two or more parties. Contract formation requires the following three essential elements. Offer. This is where one of the parties clearly states that they will offer to do something. Acceptance. This where either party accepts all the terms and conditions of the proposal as they are proposed in the contract. Consideration.

1 pages | 348 words

Food and Beverages companies stricture and management review.

The substance of this project report is the original work of the three partners and due references and acknowledgments have been made where necessary to the work of others. No part of this report has been already accepted for any degree and it is not being currently submitted in the candidature of any degree. Turnitin based plagiarism report with this document as ANNEX. The acceptable similarity is 10 at max. Countersigned By Manager. This project is dedicated to our parents who sacrificed their present for our future and tried beyond their resources and expectations to give us all the facilities and happiness of life. They are entirely responsible for all of our educational achievements and accomplishments without their faith, acceptance, affection, love, support, appreciation and the values which they have imparted on us it would not have been possible. They taught us that the best kind of knowledge to have is what we have learned for its own sake.

1 pages | 316 words