Before the start of each interview each teacher was assured about the issues of anonymity and confidentiality The researcher confirmed that they would not be identified in names and the information from them would be kept confidential during and after the interview For this codes were used as T1 T2 T3 and T4 instead of their names and they were informed of this and the code given to each interviewee Thus T1 T2 T3 and T4 refer to the first the second the third and the fourth teacher interviewed respectively The same was true for teachers in the group interview that random codes were given as T1 T2 and T3 Because using audio recording requires permission from teachers before the start of each interview each teacher was again requested for permission whether or not to use audio recording Fortunately all were willing for this Thus the questions and responses of interviews were recorded using audio recorder This was done so from the view that taking notes may have problems with the quality of the data and the activity itself may distract the researcher s and respondents attentions McDonough McDonough 1997 whereas audio recording is useful to maintain accuracy of information have objective analysis at later time and preserve respondents emotions and tone of voice Best Kahn 2006 In each interview the researcher attempted to guide stimulate and facilitate the discussion through probing seeking for further clarifications