Week 1 Assignment 1 Reflection Questions 1 I can improve my thinking skills further I can establish my own framework and criteria for performing tasks that require critical thinking I can compile data and draw sensible conclusions I can take into consideration points of view that do not correspond to my own ideas I am open minded and patient I take the time to examine to discover and to understand I can make choices that will help me to have the desired effect on a target audience or a situation I can put my work and that of others in a more general context I can link my search and analysis results to my actions 2 The purpose of thinking is not to be right all the time The truth is revealed in us There is no sense in believing that one can think wrong because being in error is not thinking The error does not come from a movement of our thought but from the action of external things on us Any true idea encloses the assertion of itself and the real strength of this assertion depends solely on the clarity of the idea 3 I am not afraid to try out new ideas The fear of failure Why is it so important Well simply because the fear of failure is directly linked to self confidence