In my research into our data management process followed in our organisation I discovered that there exist a well defined Enterprise Architecture Framework EAF drawn on the basis of ANSI IEEE 1471 2000 standard Considering my case study on the Electronic Health Record Systems used at the hospital I will be concentrating on System Architecture and Technology architecture part of EAF This covers the following associated activities in the Data Architecture Management data management function in DMBOK 4 Define and maintain the data technology architecture P 5 Define and maintain the data integration architecture P and 6 Define and maintain the DW BI architecture P Architecture Analysis The broad overview of the architecture and technologies that make up the Electronic Health Record Systems and the core functionality that allows the solutions to operate can be viewed in the following contexts The Health Record System Architecture The hardware and software technologies that support Health Record System System Architecture The system architecture appears to be a message driven client server model and has been grouped into the following tiers End User Tier The front end client Clinical Solutions Midtier Application and presentation servers Host Tier Services plus the relational databases used to store both system and user data Connecting each tier is a messaging architecture using a combination of industry standard middleware technologies and networking protocols for communication