Essay Examples on Supply Chain

Study on relationship between supply chain integration Just in Time and Logistics performance in Malaysia

Introduction. The purpose of this report is to study the relationship between supply chain integration Just in Time and Logistics performance in Malaysia, especially on industry automotive. We are required to related our Assignment 1 with our Project assignment title Just in time. Through this we able to understand how these few task to impact on logistic performance. The article was using the questionnaire to do survey in order to collect the data for analysis. Through this survey they get know mostly responden considered used supply chain integration for business operation. Critique. The Author’s Conclusions and Propositions. Based on the article the relationship between supply chain integration just in time and logistics performance a suppliers perspective on the automotive industry in Malaysia. We all have read all the pages of the article then we are agree with this article. It is because the article are explain about the relationship between SCI JIT and Logistics performance in the automotive industries in Malaysia. Malaysia have a lot of automotive industries like Proton, Perodua, Honda, Toyota and so on so integration of supply chain in the company is the most important. The supply chain integration means a close alignment and coordination within a supply chain often with the use of shared management information systems.
2 pages | 422 words
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