The techniques used in traditional commerce are not applicable at all on the Internet When the visitor does not immediately find what he is looking for he quickly leaves the shop to move to another website On the other hand when the visitor wanders on the shelves of the virtual shop he leaves a lot of personal information about his tastes and concerns that a marketer of the pre internet times could not have imagined The knowledge of the habits and tastes of the clients from the first contacts has become essential to the quest for loyalty and customer profitability The business model of the online store is based on the intersection between the desire of customers to shop high end products while saving and the emergence of a sense of urgency Each flash sale is for limited time and programmed with fixed start and end as well as with limited quantity of the offered merchandise This winning combination has completely changed the traditional sales pattern and has resulted in the acceleration and explosion of the user visits via mobile and tablet The central challenge is to understand and anticipate the depth of cross device behaviors and their impact on conversions in order to capitalize on the specificities of each device and optimize the cross channel customer experience While cross device tracking has become one of the major challenges of digital it remains complex for many actors due to gaps in user identification across devices Vente privee com avoids this difficulty its members must identify themselves to access the online store content and sales regardless of the device By identifying users throughout the entire purchase process via their login vente privee com can not only track members cross device behaviors but also connect each user journey to the corresponding member profile Vente privee marketing teams can therefore monitor all consumer interactions on their different devices smartphones tablets and desktop