Theme Analysis Family Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird highlights the town of Maycomb and how they withstand the hardship of a heartbreaking trial The Finch family gives it everything they got to give life back to a man who has been accused of something terrible Through Jem and Scout's actions while Atticus is in the trial we can learn that family can make any situation seem better We are all born into a family but it is up to yourself and the rest of your family members to make a positive effort to have that close knit bond According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary the definition of family is a group of parents and kids living together I was lucky enough to be born into a family where I always feel loved and blessed Through the good and the bad times I always know that my family will have my back In the book To Kill A Mockingbird we will be able to go into the times where the subject family is shown to help any situation Atticus knew he was getting himself into trouble when he accepted the case of a black man who supposedly raped a white lady Why would he accept such a challenge if it causes him so much stress and problems