Essay Examples on York Technical College

Canada attacked and occupied Juno Beach

The Battle of Normandy is from June 1944 to August 1944 which lead to Alines counterattack liberate Europe from Nazi oppression In D day the battle began on June 6 1944 Alines started to attack the Normandy Canadian army was arranged to conquer the Juno Beach which is one of important part in the whole battle The dieppe raid was a disaster because of the mistakes made during preparation and planning The terrain of Juneau Beach is the biggest hurdle for Canadian army s offensive There are 2 obstacles impede Canada s progress One of them is the landing area is encompassed with the villages The smaller villages lay behind the sand dunes and were hold by the German army with the perfect defensive preparation These intricate streets and the buildings on both sides of the street especially the seafront houses can provide good production and good shooting location Another obstacle are natural offshore reefs or shoals Canadian army s ships and landing crafts can not landing the beach easily without the high tide Because the size of the waves increases the landing crafts can not control themselves and hit the rocks With the high tide reduced the width of the sea surface the tanks and landing crafts are locked together 

2 pages | 412 words

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Infants and Children

Northcentral Technical College Abstract Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is one of the most commonly diagnosed in children The peak ages for diagnosis is 2 years to 6 years old Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia ALL is a type of cancer that starts with the early versions of white blood cells also called lymphocytes in the bone marrow Immature leukemia cells will reproduce and build up and without treatment most people will only live a few months However more than half of the types of acute leukemia respond well to treatment This means many patients can be cured Acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment has come a long way and can now cure nearly 90 of patients Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia ALL is a type of cancer that starts with the early versions of white blood cells also called lymphocytes in the bone marrow The bone marrow is the soft inner part of the bones where new blood cells are made Leukemia cells tend to invade the blood rather quickly They can spread to other parts of the body This can include but is not limited to the lymph nodes liver spleen and central nervous system The term acute simply means that leukemia can progress quickly If it is not treated it can turn fatal within a few months Lymphocytic means that it develops from immature lymphocytes white blood cells 

2 pages | 440 words