292The Battle of Normandy is from June 1944 to August 1944 which lead to Alines counterattack liberate Europe from Nazi oppression In D day the battle began on June 6 1944 Alines started to attack the Normandy Canadian army was arranged to conquer the Juno Beach which is one of important part in the whole battle The dieppe raid was a disaster because of the mistakes made during preparation and planning The terrain of Juneau Beach is the biggest hurdle for Canadian army s offensive There are 2 obstacles impede Canada s progress One of them is the landing area is encompassed with the villages The smaller villages lay behind the sand dunes and were hold by the German army with the perfect defensive preparation These intricate streets and the buildings on both sides of the street especially the seafront houses can provide good production and good shooting location Another obstacle are natural offshore reefs or shoals Canadian army s ships and landing crafts can not landing the beach easily without the high tide Because the size of the waves increases the landing crafts can not control themselves and hit the rocks With the high tide reduced the width of the sea surface the tanks and landing crafts are locked together
The Air force bombing and protect the soldiers did not do a good job because of the bad weather They did not choose a good weather and think about the weather and environmental factors The very important mistake that Canada did is so many soldiers had no combat experience the soldiers were come from the farming communities small towns and the factories They did not get the good training and did not have practical experience Fred Moar the soldier of New Brunswick s North Shore Regiment said We had no idea what we were getting into but we were ready for anything We considered ourselves the best Richard Foot This is irresponsible behaviour of soldiers lives It is undeniable that an Infantryman s basic kit is very important cause it can improve the survival rate of soldiers on the battlefield However the heavy Infantryman s basic kit is a huge burden when soldiers need to move fast It led to the soldiers can not pass the beach quickly Those mistakes lead to the huge loss of Canadian troops Copp said We made mistakes We weren't all heroes But on balance the achievement was absolutely enormous Richard Foot From what has been discussed above we may safely draw the conclusion that the dieppe raid was a disaster because of the mistakes made during preparation and planning Even the Canadian army has suffered huge losses but they still are heroes They are fighting for human s freedom and they paid a huge sacrifice We should be grateful and respect them Also we need to remember the D day Sources used Richard Foot PUBLISHED 02 07 06 LAST EDITED 03 04 15 http www thecanadianencyclopedia ca en article normandy invasion