298A concussion is a brain injury also known as TBI traumatic brain injury It can be compared to scrambling an egg inside its shell or a bruised banana Concussions can vary in how severe they are A concussion can last hours days weeks or months The brain s consistency is like jello It is between the slightly set gelatin and peanut butter almost like the impressionable memory foam pillows The brain is very fragile and delicate When the brain experiences any type of movement there are certain results The brain can slide back and forth causing temporary and permanent damage There are many important parts of the brain including cerebrum cerebellum brain stem arteries and vessel system The cerebrum is what fills up most of your skull so it is a very large part of your skull Your cerebrum helps you with remembering problem solving thinking and feeling Another main job is controlling movements Next the cerebellum is at the back of your head it is located underneath the cerebrum Its main jobs are controlling coordination and balance The brainstem is located beneath the cerebrum and it is in the front of the cerebellum A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury TBI
They can result in a blow to the head Symptoms include headaches neck pains memory loss difficulty concentrating slowness in thinking speaking acting reading getting lost confusion tiredness mood changes sleep patterns lightheadedness dizziness loss of balance nausea sensitivity vision and etc It is very important to take time to recover from a concussion There are several elements to getting a concussion One part of getting a concussion is concussion management First cognitive rest avoid activities that require attention or concentration Including electronics phones computers video games television schoolwork and etc Second rest this includes avoiding any physical activity that exacerbates symptoms Including sports exercising and household work Avoid loud noises avoid lots of light when you go outside wear sunglasses Third when you go back to school or work be careful Make sure to alert your school of your injury ask for more time to complete tests and homework as the last thing you want is to be stressed Take lots of breaks Make sure you are drinking lots of water and eating right Fourth returning to any sports or activities You should do little exercises to make sure you are ready to go back and play Have someone monitor you doing the following things and see how you feel Try non impact aerobic exercises non contact training drills instead of full contact practice Make sure the person is symptom free and medication free before returning to normal play If any symptoms start happening again you should stop any activities and contact a doctor In my experiment I recorded three people nine brains made of jello and three different helmets The helmets included football lacrosse and baseball
The three different people I recorded had different types of impact First one was the oldest who had the most impact out of all three The second was younger age 14 who had a medium force of impact Lastly at age 8 was the youngest who had the least amount of force impact We put the brain in a mannequin with the head was cut off Then we taped the rest of the head back on Next each person swung a baseball bat at each of the jello brains and helmets First we tested the lacrosse helmet The oldest with the strongest impact force was able to make damage to the brain The helmet would not be sufficient for this amount of impact The second one was fourteen years old who had the second greatest impact was not able to break the brain Therefore the helmet would be sufficient for her force of impact The youngest one eight years old had the least amount of impact The lacrosse helmet would be suitable for him when referring to the force of impact After the lacrosse helmet we tested the football helmet The person with the strongest force impact was not able to break the brain Therefore the helmet would be suitable for all three forces of impact Lastly we tested the baseball helmet The baseball helmet showed the greatest amount of changes The brain that showed the greatest amount of changes was the person with the strongest impact force The helmet did not show as much protection as the other two helmets My final results were that the football helmet was the most protective Next came the lacrosse helmet then the baseball helmet This experiment ended up showing the changes in the brain after impact The whiplash effect was shown by a spring mounted on a piece of wood The spring was loaded by a PVC pipe Therefore when the bat was taken to the brain and helmet it would show the whiplash effect