Essay Example on A customer satisfaction index is a snapshot at a Point








Chapter I The Problem and Its Setting Background of the study A customer satisfaction index is a snapshot at a point in time People's views change continuously and the performance of companies in delivering customer satisfaction is also changing Service satisfaction is a function of consumers experience and reactions to a provider s behaviour during the service encounter it is a function of the service setting It has been the business priority in all country to serve the customers to achieve the goal of customer satisfaction Quality especially nowadays come in handy with business It brings the better performance of the business that may let the business survive for a long time Globally some business can t satisfy the customers and it had become the biggest problem of most food businesses In the Philippines most business had become the value of achieving the satisfied rate they need Most reviews in the services in the country ended up with customers being satisfied Unfortunately in the Philippines customer satisfaction is also a challenge among Filipino business owners Regardless of these challenges Philippines is still aiming to satisfy their customer In Samal Island specifically in University of Mindanao Peñaplata College most students want to be satisfied by the services offered of the canteen In this study we investigated if students really are satisfied with the services offered by the school canteen

However in the research it was deemed appropriate to consult the views of only the students since they are the key subject of universities Statement of the Problem The study aims to determine the customer satisfaction by the services offered of the school canteen Specifically it sought the answers to the following questions 1 What is the level of customer satisfaction 2 What is the level of services offered by the UMPC canteen 3 What is the significant relationship between the level of customer satisfaction and the level of the services offered of the UMPC canteen Hypothesis i Null Hypothesis There is no significant relationship between customer satisfaction and the services offered by the UMPC canteen i Alternative Hypothesis There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and the services offered by the UMPC Canteen Conceptual Theoretical Framework In this model it is presumed role for customer satisfaction to be the independent variable and the product the staff and service and the price as the factors who are dependent on customer satisfaction Significance of the study Gathering of this data will lead to better understanding of the influencing level of attributes on customer satisfaction The result of this study will be useful to the future researchers the business owners and school canteen Definition of Terms The level of customer satisfaction may be influenced by various attributes from internal and external factors Customer satisfaction may be identified as internal and external customer satisfaction of an organization Customer satisfaction is the customer's opinion or reaction from the factors the business are offering Chapter II Methodology Presented in this part are the method and procedure followed in the conduct of the study It includes research design research subject research procedure research instrument collection and analysis of data and statistical treatment of data Research Design The research uses quantitative approach in the study where the construction process largely takes in the understanding and interpretation of individuals This study will make use of descriptive correlation design Descriptive Survey

This approach is appropriate wherever the object of the class varies among themselves and one is interested in knowing the extent to which different conditions obtain among this Good and Scates 1972 The word survey signifies data gathering present condition In descriptive survey it is necessary to determine the psychological and social aspects of research by way of application or implementation of evidence to recognize between facts and influence The data from descriptive surveys can used as basis for influences that may aid the solving practical problems is of value to the researcher rather than that principles and laws applied in conducting an experiment in the laboratory Research Subject This study is conducted in University of Peñaplata College The participants of this study were 43 students of Grade 12 section 2 on UMPC Data Gathering Procedure 1 Asking permission The researchers wrote a letter asking permission to the school teacher and school principal 2 Distribution of Questionnaire The researchers personally did the distribution of the questionnaire to the respondents 3 Retrieval of Questionnaire Questionnaires were retrieved after having been accomplished by the respondents 4 Collation of Questionnaires The responses of the questionnaire were tallied collated and recorded accordingly Results were analysed interpreted and statistical computed to answer the questions in this study Statistical Treatment of Data Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation This was used to determine the existing significant relationship between the parental support and student's academic achievement

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