A dream to become an engineer connection that links me to find out a solution for the ease and comfort of humans satisfaction addressing the technology and to be part of this has forced me to chose mechanical engineering as my bachelor studies Opportunity to pursue master s program in mechanical engineering and acquiring a comprehensive knowledge of designing and production will shape me as a better engineer A quest for knowledge urge to learn and explore a desire to witness the growing technological world and contributing to the development has led me to the world of engineering It is true that nurturing with curiosity one can transform from fascination to their excellent goals My under graduation has exposed me to the diverse subject in mathematics physical science Engineering and management Mechanics of Machine Thermodynamics Fluid Engineering Material Science and Metallurgy Manufacturing Processes Hydraulics and Pneumatics and Design of Machine have provided the firm foundation of basic principles of mechanical engineering for advanced study Utilizing my knowledge to realize the application I had worked on a number of group projects Presenting the case study has boosted up my level of confidence and analytical skills along with the fluent mode of communication
Addressing the workshops has introduced me to the world of electronics and had worked on various projects like HAND GESTURE ROBOT and LINE FOLLOWER The industrial visits and training at YOKEWINERY RGTIL and GSECL had tutored me with industrial orientation An internship at MISSAR SYSTEMS where I had adopted and implemented a design that matches industrial standards learned about the material and their grades While working on a prototype I have experienced the importance of workflow and time management along with the crucial technical aspects Impressed with my work on STAIR CLIMBER I got an opportunity to work on defense application project Considering the reason for failure we redesign and manufacture a new prototype of remote controlled weapon My efforts led me to be the participant at MAKE IN INDIA WEEK 2016 where I came across defense personnel and government officials and delivered a professional approach to present our product In the month of June and July of the third year I was selected for an International internship by Centre for TeleinFranstrucutre Aalborg University at URAL FEDERAL UNIVERSITY RUSSIA At the Ural Federal University I was exposed to SOLIDWORKS Simulation and Modeling with immense depth and width Under the guidance and supervision of Dr Ovchinnikova Valentina I worked on Solidworks packaged for
DESIGNING AND CALCULATION OF CAR SUSPENSION SYSTEM which aimed to improve vehicular performance on all terrain conditions This internship helped me to develop technical as well as intrapersonal skills with vast experience in a new surrounding and first hand culture These experiences and exposures gave me an absolute goal and self confidence to work on the subject that requires tough grind of knowledge among the numbers of a patent from the open sources of NASA Boeing and GE notes and Aviation society research paper Along with team members valuable inputs the report on real life accidents and international journals helped us to work on aviation safety We scaled the GE nx 1B jet engine to 1 by 25000 ratio and 3 D printed the same for wind tunnel testing which was aimed to increase Reverse Thrust efficiency for fan jet type aircraft gas turbine engine Our research work was appreciated with open arms by INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN TRENDS IN ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH and published in Volume4 Issue 6 Beside my academic studies I am an initiator and a leader along with resource management capabilities My esteem contribution in M FEST 16 and AAYAM 17 are the best cited examples Handling the maintenance of embroidery machines at my dad's factory and ensuring to come up with the desired production shaped me to handle complexity with responsibility Photography and directing short film cover my hobbies which had been resembled in making the International Exposure program video for BMEF and an award winning film
CAFÉ TAILS After my graduation I worked as a freelancer for 3D modeling in Solidworks Working on numbers of the project I came across various limitations of transforming virtual design to the physical manner that makes me feel incomplete and concludes that what I ve learned is not enough In order to reach perfection and to make a dream come true Such an opportunity to study at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne can provide me with an opportunity to achieve professional objectives I believe that there cannot be a better platform than École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne to obtain advanced knowledge in the mechanical field I here come to conclude that the Master in Engineering program offered by Department of Mechanical Engineering at EPFL is excellently structured to match my requirements The undergraduate academics numbers of projects final year thesis Internship and Industrial exposures stimulate the best opportunity for higher study in mechanical engineering I am positive that studying at your department will be meaningful and rewarding Thank you for the opportunity you have given to express myself
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Noplag.com. A dream to become an engineer Connection (2020, April 29) Retrieved from https://noplag.com/free-essays/a-dream-to-become-an-engineer-connection
Noplag.com.(2025.) A dream to become an engineer Connection [Online]. Availible at: https://noplag.com/free-essays/a-dream-to-become-an-engineer-connection [Accessed: 11 Mar. 2025]
"A dream to become an engineer Connection" Noplag, 11 Mar 2025, https://noplag.com/free-essays/a-dream-to-become-an-engineer-connection
"A dream to become an engineer Connection". Noplag, Apr 29, 2020. Accessed: March 11, 2025. https://noplag.com/free-essays/a-dream-to-become-an-engineer-connection
"A dream to become an engineer Connection" Noplag, 11 Mar 2025, https://noplag.com/free-essays/a-dream-to-become-an-engineer-connection
"A dream to become an engineer Connection" Noplag, 29-Apr-2020. [Online]. Availible: https://noplag.com/free-essays/a-dream-to-become-an-engineer-connection . [Accessed: 11-Mar-2025]
Noplag. (2020). A dream to become an engineer Connection29-Apr-2020. . [Online]. Availible at: https://noplag.com/free-essays/a-dream-to-become-an-engineer-connection [Accessed: 11-Mar-2025]
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Noplag. A dream to become an engineer Connection [Internet]. April 2020. [Accessed March 11, 2025.]; Availible from: https://noplag.com/free-essays/a-dream-to-become-an-engineer-connection