Essay Example on A need for Pedagogical Community









E-Resources A need of Pedagogical Community By Miss Rachana M Gajbhiye Librarian Sau Rajanitai Nanasaheb Deshmukh Arts Commerce Science College bhadgaon Dist Jalgaon M S 424105 Abstract Information Communication Technology has shuffled the future of library service The electronic library is a stack of huge and various depositories of digital commodity and electronic data which can be collected by a large figure of geographically assigned users This paper is concentrate on the need of pedagogical community digital Library resources advantages challenges and disadvantages Keyword Digital E-resources Pedagogical Online database Introduction Digital library resources are like other library materials in various ways They are preferred collected documented handled related and improved to users evaluated preserved withdrawn and canceled Digital information resources include journals government documents electronic images etc Digital information endure in a format numeric digits that computer can store organize transmit and display without any interceding alteration development 

The dominant activity of digital libraries is to expedite standardized and productive access to and sharing of information of matters considered important by the users Not only do digital libraries promote resources sharing but also in the long run it can help in sharing knowledge and resources E-Resources An electronic resource means the publication and dissemination of knowledge through electronic means especially by the use optical disk formats such as CD ROMs and networking Other choice builds the use of electronic databases video texts email and electronic newsletter A digital library may assign only to electronic resources or means consolidation of electronic resources services that through a network In elementary condition e-resources are those resources which need computer access or any electronic device That delivers a collection of data be it text indicating to full text databases electronic journals image collections other multimedia products and numerical graphical or time based as a commercially available limited that has been published with a target to being marketed Pedagogical Resources include Collection in which complete contents Documents are designed or transformed in machine-readable form for online access Scientific data sets Scanned picture images of visual or printed text etc

Computer storage devices such as optical disk CD ROMs DVD ROMs Databases available complete internet and other networks Online databases and CD Rom knowledge stock especially those with multimedia and interactive video components Digital audio video clips or full length movie Benefit of e Resources Offer libraries and their usages many benefits There are a few benefits of applying e resources such as the case of usability affordability and accessibility They can raise speed and case to access and the amount of knowledge possible They can recover library space and staff hour They are not yet however the solution to all libraries financial space access and service problem Most libraries continue to operate in a double territory print and electronic resources whether physically located within a library or accessed via a network are a portion of the library's collection and should be assessed and appraised with the equal criteria and accuracy enforced to all compilation verdict Why We Want E Resources Due to the boost in the knowledge origination the growth of the collection organization and retrieval of information made the task very difficult That is why most of the libraries perfect electronic resources to print collection for optimum use The other reason is physical space escalation in journals prices digital literacy has forced the libraries to opt for electronic resources in order to meet information needs of the large community of users Digital library can store a large volume of digital information in the archival form

A digital library may refer only to electronic resources or mean a combination of electronic resources services that support using those resources or mean a combination of electronic resources services that are provided via a network It provides the users fast search tools immediate access to the rapidly growing information in multimedia form quickly on the screen in an interactive mode Types of E-Resources Online e-resources E-journals Full text and Bibliographical E-Book Online databases Websites E-resources which are available in digital media such as CD Rom hard disks Cloud Other portable databases Role of Library Professionals Arrange timely access relevant content in an appropriate medium Professional need to acquire right information Selection of good supplier Identify how and when the user wants the stuff provide right environment along with right budget Conclusion E-resources available in sundry format help and support the pedagogical community to carry out the research E-Resources perform various protests at all level of their management preservation maintenance acquisition and selection 

The same time the e-resources have advantages giving a solution to various professional problems like providing remote access convenience in use space increased readership with improving services Recent studies also proved that the e-resources are available especially the optical disk formats And save the time by researchers faculties In such situation and future trend library professionals shall have to cope up with new emerging digital environment and devise best possible techniques and method of managing these resources efficiently and effectively for their improved availability and accessibility REFERENCES Brown B T 2007 Federal Science Elibrary Pilot Electronic Library 25 1 8 17 Chandel A 2012 Challenges and Opportunities of E-resources Annual of Library Science Information Studies 59 148 154 Singh Gurudev 2011 Digital Libraries and Digitization 94 103 Sharma C 2009 Use and Impact of E-resources at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University India A Case Study Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship 10 1 Shukla S 2010 Electronic Resources Management What Why and How in S Shukla p 34 New Delhi EssEss publication http www epitomejournals com Vol 2 Issue 12 October 2016

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