275Also when the business competes domestically the amount of market shares the company holds would force them to do well as there is a high amount of pressure which is needed to prepare for good performances in other nations where they do not have a considerable amount of the market share The demand for market is vital for any business as the product s ultimate design reflects the home market needs Porter 1990 This ultimately leads to determining the industry as the similar strategy responds to international markets Volkswagen is a part of the German car industry which is Europe's biggest automotive industry in production and sales of cars Germany holds onto the largest number of original equipment manufacturer plants which is when the vehicle s components or car parts are identical to the parts used in producing a vehicle Ruppert 2011 Volkswagen is able to have an advantage in the demand factors as the company focuses on recognising customer demands and meeting their needs Volkswagen is able to compete internationally as the demand and supply are proportional therefore are able to grow in the market This is because when the demand increases for Volkswagen the price and supply increases which ultimately leads to competition between car corporations BBC News 2015