Essay Example on Africa Muslim Agency known as Direct Aid Society








Abdul Rahman bin Hamood As Sumait an Islamic da i caller to Islam medical practitioner a humanitarian role model in charitable work and founder of the Kuwait based charity Direct Aid Organization previously known as the Africa Muslim Agency was born on 15 October 1947 in Kuwait Education Dr Abdul Rahman Al Sumait did his schooling in Kuwait where as in 1972 he went to Baghdad University to study medicine In 1974 he went to Liverpool University and obtained a diploma in tropical medicine then traveled to canada to specialize in internal medicine and Gastroenterology from Montreal General Hospital in Canada He did research on hepatic malignancies in King s College London At Sabah Hospital in Kuwait he worked briefly as a consultant Gastroenterologist before dedicating his full time to humanitarian activities A man with a vision and a mission for the poor He was to assassination several times in Africa by armed militias because of his overwhelming presence among the poor and needy He was surrounded cobra snake in Mozambique Kenya and Malawi more than once but he survived in addition to mosquitoes biting in those villages scarcity of water and power cuts He was exposed in his life to distress of prisons the most painful of which was his capturing by Bathists He spent a quarter century in Africa and had come to Kuwait for a visit or medical treatment He also practiced Dawa calling in the Eskimos and Iraq The series of trips were in the jungles of Africa The movement in the jungles of Africa is full of risks as he exposes himself to danger for the sake of peace and relief for Africa with a hand holding bread and a hand holding a lamp and a book His arm is his body suffering from hypertension diabetes and cl His Journey to Africa Once Abdul Rahman Al Sumait witnessed a scene outside his school which sparked his interest in helping the less fortunate and this changed his life forever He observed poor workers waiting for their means of transportation in the heat on a daily basis He then purchased a car with the help of some friends and drove these workers for free

This incident lead to his journey of compassion for the poor and needy When he was Graduating he would set aside the majority of his monthly stipend for the purchase of Islamic books which would then be distribute at various mosques He once received an academic grant of forty two dinars yet would not eat more than one meal a day and would not indulge in sleeping on a bed even though the price of one was not more than two dinars considering it to be an unnecessary luxury During his postgraduate studies in the West he would collect money every month from Muslim students to pay for the printing of Islamic pamphlets and then would have them distributed throughout South East Asia and Africa These are just a small number of examples of his earliest righteous actions Since 1983 when he was 35 years old he dedicated himself to work in Africa Muslim Agency Direct Aid as a general secretary then chairman until 2008 Until his passing he was the chairman of Charity Work Studies Center He conducted detailed studies on Africa s political social and economic affairs Ethiopia Eritrea Djibouti Kenya Mozambique Malawi Zambia and Angola being some of the 40 countries his work was focused on Charity Work in Africa Dr Al Sumait has been involved in Islamic charity since he was a student In 1981 the 35 year old al Sumaiti founded the Africa Muslim Agency currently known as Direct Aid Society and served as its Secretary General The society aims in providing extensive humanitarian assistance to impoverished Muslims throughout Africa Direct Aid has a vast network operating in more than 40 countries helping impoverished people suffering from economic and social crisis

Al Sumait decided to move and live in Africa dedicating his next 29 years of his life there with his wife contributing and providing millions of starving children with food education shelter and religion Accomplishments in Africa 9 500 orphans supported 95 000 students financed 5 700 mosques 200 training centers for women 860 schools 4 universities 102 Islamic centers 9 500 wells 51 million Qur ans distributed 7 million people reverted to Islam at his hands Including priests and bishops 60 million booklets about Islam in different African languages Dr Al Sumait personally directs field operations of his Society AWARDS He got numerous prestigious awards trophies and certificates for his charity work Here is a list of few of his achievements In 1998 Badge of honor of heads of the Gulf Cooperation Council GCC held in Muscat on charity work In 1996 King Faisal Award for his services to Islam and Muslims In 2001 Award of the Sheikh Rashid Al Nuaimi Ruler of the Emirate of Ajman In 2003 Honorary Doctorate in the field of Da wa work from Omdurman Islamic University in Sudan In 2006 Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Medical and Human Sciences Dubai UAE In 2009 Sharjah Award for volunteer and humanitarian work In 2010 Knight Medal of charitable work from the Emirate of Sharjah Certificate of appreciation from the Council of voluntary organizations in the Arab Republic of Egypt Cairo

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