Essay Example on Agencies I will discuss in this memo are Federal Department of Commerce








This memo will cover three specific federal agencies and a current new article that relates to each agency The agencies I will discuss in this memo are Federal Department of Commerce Federal Department of Labor and Federal Equal Opportunity Employment Commission Each level of government federal state and tribal government have their own agencies The first agency I will cover is the Federal Department of Commerce This agency has many important jobs it s most important job is to promote economic growth in the country by fair trade Another important role is to promote and create new jobs through businesses Also another important job the Federal Department of Commerce is to improve the living standards of all Americans Commerce also has many different responsibilities such as granting trademarks and patents for businesses Commerce has many bureaus that have specific roles the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST is one of these bureaus The role of NIST is to support the united states industry and innovation this can be cybersecurity or just supporting the nations technological environment Commerce is important because it s main job is to support U S business growth

They also help regulate domestic and international trade policy also the data Commerce collects is important because it shows if we are growing as an economy Currently the United States economy is booming with the end of the fourth quarter many businesses benefited from a strong end to the quarter Forecasters on Friday raised their expectations for fourth quarter growth after the Commerce Department reported sales at U S retailers restaurants and websites rose a seasonally adjusted 0 4 in December from the prior month Commerce collects data from each quarter to see how the economy is doing and what can be improved Another current event is the U S Commerce wants to increase the tax on gas by 25 cents The 25 cent tax increase would help fund the government's new infrastructure bill This would create many jobs for the public which is a one of the most important roles of Commerce The next agency to be discussed is the Federal Department of Labor it has a responsibility to enforce wage and hour standards They have many responsibilities such as regulate working conditions workers compensation and employee benefit security The department of Labor has the responsibility of enforcing 180 federal laws that regulate 125 million workers 

There are many agencies that go with the department of labor one is the Bureau of Labor Statistics They work directly with the department of labor by measuring the labor market activity by collecting and analyzing data This agency is very important because the data it collects will help economist know what the unemployment rate is and at what rate are individuals being hired in at Employment and wages are currently a hot topic in America recently In a recent news article the Trump administration is proposing allowing tip pooling in restaurants This article relates to the Federal Department of Labor in many ways because it's dealing with laws about labor and wages Some critics say that the law would give the employers all the power over tips this can relate directly with the labor department Another news headline is an increase of employment and hourly earnings increase from the year previous In this article it states that an increase of 148 000 jobs were reported last month from the Labor Department Also the Labor Department reported the unemployment rate is at 4 1 percent which is a 17 year low These reports were gathered from the Labor Department s data The final administrative agency I will be talking about is the Federal Equal Opportunity Employment Commission This agency has many important responsibilities such as protecting individuals from workplace discrimination This agency is very important for everyone because it ensures that no workplace discrimination will take place Another important role that the EEOC has is enforcing specific laws that deal with discrimination an example of these law are the equal pay act This law ensure that men and women get paid the same if they both perform equal work in the workplace

This government agency is important for everyone on the work force because it can be handle to you if you feel you re being treated unfairly or being discriminated against Discriminations and workplace violations occur frequently and can be costly for the company s involved Settlements from the 10 biggest class action lawsuits reached a record 2 72 billion The EEOC has been struggling to find staff to litigate the cases The Increasing number of individual cases that are associated with the metoo movement that will be represented by EEOC Harassment can come many different ways the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission will fight for you if you ve been a victim of harassment The EEOC looks out for those individuals that have been affected in the workplace and they look to either resolve the complaint but may file a formal lawsuit The three federal agencies I covered in this memo are very important for the United States as a whole to operate They regulate and enforce laws dealing with their line of work These agencies are very important to the government because they benefit the people and ensure that no one is treated wrongly and will fight for them

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